' Lilac's Book: Random Advice & Hippy Values
Random Advice & Hippy Values

If there is a God, then its Majesty is unveiled through the changing of leaves, the blossoming of flowers, the interplay of species and the complex interconnectedness of all things. Humans are clever and can conceive of many things, but we will struggle for millenia and never be able to create a bird or a turtle. Nor should be be able to do so, for we lack the wisdom that necessarily must accompany such great power. Nature is not always pretty and may seem brutal, leaving us with the wish to control the great questions. But dogmatic debates cannot rob Nature of its status as the preeminent determiner of life and death. Only humans compete in this regard and our efforts are almost entirely malignant.

P H O T O    E S S A Y
The psychadelic hippy VW

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Lilac's Book

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Woman holding lilacs
Cute little mailbox

Lilac's Book. A book for my daughter.    By Bill Orton.

Lilac's Book has been on   HIPPYLAND LOGO   continuously since January 3, 1997.

Anyone may have a FREE copy of the entire text of Lilac's Book by going to the Download page.

Back in 1994, I wrote this book, largely in random order, as a gift for my infant daughter.   When I finished the first version of the book, I made photocopies and handed them out to anyone who was interested.   In 1996, I converted the text of the book into web format and thanks to the gracious and steadfast support from this mighty site, the book has been on Hippyland continuously since January 3, 1997.   As far as I can tell from webstats over the past few years, about 3000 people a year are visiting the page to download the full text of the book.   If just a portion of these visitors are downloading the text, then this free book is now in the hands of thousands of people.   This makes me feel that the gift is not just for Lilac, but for thousands of others, most especially for the teenagers and young adults who so often write to me trying to figure out their place in our world.

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Who IS a Hippy  |  The Price of Freedom  |  Following Your Own Heart  |  It Wasn't All Beauty & Lightness  |  Contact Me

The original print edition of Lilac's Book © 1994; web editions © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001.