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Are Punks A Manifestation of Hippies?

Ah…Where to begin??? First of all, lets not talk about the punks as if it were a thing of the 70’s and 80’s, I believe there still is a scene, alive and well.;)
You were explaining to some kid about why his parents no longer seem to
hold the same ideals and are now job-holding members of society. Well my
mother was a hippie and i know many punks with parents who were once
hippies. (Some of them are in agreement with their gutter-punk spawn and
some are now high generals for the Pentagon but that’s not important).

believe that a great many punks really are children of old hippies. As
you were trying to tell a young-hippie how to survive in this capitalist
world and not turn into their parents, i think punks are trying for the
same thing.

I spend a lot of time in DuPont circle in DC where those
traveling pass through. Most of the time i hang out with the gutter-punks
(traveling, squatting punks), but i also hang out with home-bums and
pretty much whoever… I met a 46-year old hippie (still traveling and
living the hippie life) a few months ago who tried to explain how punks
were a manifestation of hippies and i wish i could repeat what he said.

As far as I’m concerned, gutter punks are the closest thing to
hippies. Im not talking about suburban-punks.. We are both without a
shower and have a wander-lust that takes us across the country. Some
hitchhike, some hop-trains, some live communally…in abandoned houses.
(It was hippies that paved our way for hitchhiking and sometimes i wish
it was still as easy to get rides as it was for the hippies) Some of us
travel with them, even stop along at a Rainbow Gathering, although i met
a few who really didn’t like it. This hippie shared some really great
wisdom with me: I want to travel, but right now i live at home, go to
high school and can’t get a GED for want of being an artist. He told me
I’m trapped in my life decisions and only i really can’t listen to
anyone else to make my choice. Go sit by yourself and just think about
what i said, after im gone, after i left, and only do it for you. Would
my parents tell me that?

But we aren’t stealing it from you, we CAN’T be hippies. I
always think, its not my generation. As far as I’m concerned all of
these young kids running around trying to be hippies aren’t real hippies.
They may live the lifestyle, sure. I would feel out of place with all of
these OLDER hippies. (Even tho, some of these squatting punks are all the
way up to almost 30.)

I agree like you said that you guys had the Vietnam War but
that doesn’t mean we don’t have reasonable cause. Many punks are very
politically-minded/active. Some are involved with freeing political prisoners. Some feed homeless with local Food Not Bombs, some are strict vegans and protest animal rights. (Some are only vegetarians, some even eat meat.) Others are
protesting against such large capialist groups as McDonalds and Proctor
and Gamble. Many decide to live on communal farms in Canada. (Much like
hippies.) Still others decide to break in a squat (an abandoned building)
in large groups and through a community of operation make it seem
liveable enough to seek legal action for the place. Many work on zines
or write books and keep journals of their travels. Some are artists,
writers, sculptors. Not only that the music is very political and full of

I sure as hell DON’T agree with your statements: I can’t
recall any punks preaching Peace and Love. Sharing needles doesn’t cut
it I’m afraid. There are many kinds of punks each with their own
mission in life. Some punks drink and do drugs. (Some are still politically active/some are too wasted) Some punks claim straight-edgeand won’t do any drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, even coffee, etc. There are some who are Anarcho/Peace Punks and they are usually more politically active, achieveing peace through anarchy. The main idea, is we are all punks who share a common-ground and love for ourselves and each other even if we take a different stand on things. The hippies you say: discovered [our]selves and [our] brotherhood and
[our] power. It was us and them.

I’m sure if there were a draft today, we would STILL go to jail, over
fighting. Nothing changes. After all, a lot of us are going to jail for
stupid reasons anyway ;)…

…And i still think we could learn a thing or to from the Hippies.
Points to those who are still at it, still true…still alive.

Thanks for listening.


Thanks for enlightening us about punks. First I would like to state something obvious; that many people who consider themselves hippies – don’t look like hippies. And the reverse is also true. Many people who appear to be hippies, aren’t. I’m sure the situation is similar with punks. The problem is one of stereotyping.

What I would like to know, is just what unites all these diverse people you label as punks. You say punks are those who share a common-ground and love for
ourselves and each other… Yet, you don’t tell us what that common ground is. You mention many of the things that punks are involved with, but then so are hippies involved in the very same things (having started many of them).

So just what makes all these people punks? Is it just the music they listen to? The attitude? The clothes? (I get asked these same questions about hippies, so it’s time to turn the table!) It seems from what you’ve said that many of you would like to be hippies except you don’t want to be like your (hippy) parents.

Astrologers have an explanation for the hippy phenomena and it makes sense, and can explain why each generation is different from the previous one. The outer planets are slow moving and some change astrological signs (ie. Libra to Scorpio) about once a decade. These outer planet movements influence entire generations as they color the perceptions of each individual. So the punks born in the 60s and 70s have Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in different signs than the hippies born in the 40s and 50s. I could go on in more detail about this, but this isn’t the astrology page!

The point I want to make is that both the hippy and the punk movements are responses to larger forces at work. Both movements achieved a certain notoriety due to their confrontational tactics with authority. I think they pushed the envelope of what is acceptable in society (look at all the piercings these days!). By challenging the norm, the accepted way of things, they force society to confront its limitations (especially regarding freedom) and reexamine these issues. Then if the society is strong and free it will change, and be better for it.

Unfortunately, the hippies didn’t finish their work. Successive repressive governments have tried to undo the gains from the 60s and 70s. Billions have been spent on propaganda and brainwashing of the last two generations. The issues of drugs, the environment, big business, and individual rights have become so politicized that people are afraid to take a stand and be politically incorrect.

This is why we need to revive the hippy movement. We welcome any and all who are willing to take a stand for what they believe, be they punks, slackers, ravers, wage-slaves, new-agers, yuppies, whatever! The common ground we have is a dedication to peace, a willingness to use love to solve problems, and a respect for others and this fragile planet. What stands in our way is the system of governments that separate people with borders, corporate and collective greed, religious, ethnic, social, and economic intolerance and hatred. Any law, creed or concept that divides people from other people unfairly is intolerable. There is a great deal of work to be done. Are you ready?

-The Old Hippy

Posted by: skip
Views: 48797