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Hip Quotes: Anon ymous

“Liberty is a virtue unlimited. Preserve this blessing always and humbly share. Oppression had its hour, lost its taste, for it was more bitter than sour. Liberty respects the boundaries that support thee. When she is faced with obstacles, she climbs them for she is free from within. Liberty realizes himself, and does not define himself by walls within his home. Liberty waves the flag on high, and smiles in a mile of transformation. Liberty does not nullify the o’s by heeding fallacy. Liberty found the courage within themselves to raise a flag in the face of injustice. Let liberty find a greater courage to hold hands with justice. When Liberty realizes his other sparks of Love, Kindness, Respect, Compassion, Peace, Humility, Faith, Honesty, Modesty, Courage…, a unanimous "unum" shall be revealed. All colors of the rainbow come from the same Light.

– Anon ymous –

Category: Freedom

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