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Hopi Prophecy WWIII

I would be grossly remiss if I failed to bring you the traditional (hereafter simply Hopi) Hopi message that
the world would transform radically by the end
of the Hopi/Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012.  I visited the Hopi in 1998-1999 in
Flagstaff, AZ.  Though they never talked about
their prophesy with me, I was confronted with their book at the first
onset, Hotevilla by Mails/Evehema.  In this book the spiritually
advanced traditional Hopi prophesy WWIII on page 35 in a glyph on a 1000
year old pictograph on a rock on the reservation.  For details on this
please Google Hopi Prophesy Rock.  See <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srYoI3LOzCY>  The Hopi accurately prophesied
WWI and II before they occurred and boldly told the US President at that
time (I think it was Taft) and were ignored.  It is wise not to ignore
the Hopi.  Their prophesies usually come true.

The point of the book, and the point that was so clear when I was in
Flagstaff, is that Western civilization has
created a real mess of native Hopi life.  The BIA, Peabody Coal and the
churches have done irreparable harm to the traditional, ceremonial way
of life of the traditional Hopi.  Now the Hopi are the nation’s
spiritual elders… when their ceremonial life is damaged, so goes the
nation.  They are afraid for themselves and for us.

The subtitle of Hotevilla is ‘microcosm of the world’ and what
they seem
to mean by that is that every community in the Global South has or will
experience this kind of maltreatment from the US military-industrial
complex.  War,
wage slavery, environmental racism (climate change, mining tailings,
pesti/herbicides, factory river/air pollution, illegal dumping, etc),
relocation of native people,
crippling debt via the IMF/World Bank, US support of (military)
dictatorships have all been felt by the Global South.  This is our
hallmark in the
developing world.  All because we can get away with it.  This is all in a
quest for profit.  You see, profit is like a spell cast over people,
because in essence, it causes slavery.  With profit, you get something,
for nothing.  If everyone were a wage earner, we would all gain more
based on skill alone.  Essentially, we would all be financially equal. 
What the Hopi are exposing, what they are declaring in that the emperor
wears no clothes, is that we can avoid WWIII through reason.  We
can recognize the dangers to humanity and the environment that business
and the military and churches cause, and make changes for a good world,
and not go through WWIII.

The Hopi allude to the interesting point that there is one thing we
thought of… the Chinese.  We have an odd behavior with them.  We are
shtuping them with wage slavery on one hand, and borrowing money we
don’t plan on paying back with the other.  To add fuel  to the fire, the
Chinese are schooled Marxists.  They are very familiar with the
machinations of neo-fascist capitalism.  And they have an army much
larger than ours.  They are hacking into our military, medical and
engineering secrets.  Plus, oil, water and mineral resources are being
scrambled for by hegemonies worldwide.  Add to that the global debt crisis.  On top of it all, they have some
of our nuclear weapons secrets.

The Hopi say that on Purification Day a ‘red army’ will cover the Earth
like red ants.  This is thought to mean that at a certain turning point
Russia, China and their allies (perhaps Latin American) will rout the
US and her allies and conquer the world, WWIII.  Whether this prophesy
is a deterrent to help us get our act together or if this is simply the
bitter truth, I do not know.  I suspect the former, knowing the Hopi,
but don’t rule out the latter, knowing the Republican Party and American
business.  In any event, we seem to be in real trouble here.  As time
continues and it seems more and more obvious that we will go to war with
China et al, be prepared.  Don’t go to war.  Negotiate.  Have talks and
negotiate.  We are all living on one small planet, and it is time that
we work together, brother with brother.  Common fellowship is inevitable
anyway, do it before we all perish.  If you wait until the last minute
and focus on fighting a war with the Chinese and Russians, I suspect it
will end in thermonuclear war.  The time to act is now, to relieve the
burdens of those that need our help the most in the developing world, of
those we have hurt the most.  That is what will save us, and humanity,
in my opinion and experience.

I picture to myself what
friends and family would say to me after the Chinese
invaded, asking why I didn’t do more to cry out, since I knew.  I have
been very vocal about this, and I recognize that a prophesy is difficult
to be sure about.  However, you can look at the facts.  The developing
world is slave to a relative few in this country and Europe, and powerful in Asia.  America is
in a funny position with China.  The environment is very, very tired.
 1.2 billion people globally are on the edge of starvation every day.  Clearly,
we are at a tipping point, and we have been for some time.  Perhaps
China is ready to cut the strings of the puppet master. 

It is an interesting thing to note that in spite of all of these
facts the Mayans, cousin to the Hopi, insist that we will transition to
world peace at the end of the calendar without world war.  Perhaps the
Occupy the World miracle and other movements of sustainability on a
personal level around the world are supporting the Mayan prophesy.  I
that is possible, but we have some hurdles to jump, and time is running
It is time to stand strong for peace and justice, the world over.  It
should be noted that the Hopi are a holy people, they are the nation’s
spiritual elders, and the last thing they want is to see WWIII.  They
have been protesting nuclear weapons and WWIII since WWII, and have been
to the UN (the house of mica) four times to make this protest official.

I have paranoid schizophrenia (medicated), and I want to share that fact
since this is a weighty topic with lots of responsibility…

is my opinion that ‘work’ is at the heart of this problem.  Here is a
four point program for our future, a mustard seed of wisdom:

Let’s begin a program of socialism for 2.5 months of the year or 2 days
per week for anyone who wants to volunteer for it (and thus benefit
from it in food, housing benefits, transportation, medicine, education,
etc) to
keep the trains running on time.  This socialist program can embrace
participatory economics, anarchist wisdom, native wisdom and socialist wisdom in economics, and even free
market wisdom in business.  The idea is to create an efficient, livable,
effective, wise and environmentally friendly global workplace for
taking care of our global needs.  Our socialist program needs to set the
laws for energy and transportation, such as high speed rail and
renewable energy.  Global needs need to set the precedent before wants.

2.  Gear colleges, universities and trade schools to help us unlock the
real dreams of our hearts for the rest of our work time, while guiding us
through counselors and native elders how to be of service to humanity
via our dreams, in
harmony with nature.  It doesn’t matter what we do, as long as we love
what we do, it is a service to others, and it is in harmony with
nature.  Native people will have this opportunity to continue their
native life unabated if they choose.
3.  Let’s develop a worldly zeitgeist regarding population control.  Our
planet is finite, and we need to limit the number of families we allow
to live here… the Earth can only take so much!
Understanding of the chakra system should be taught by ancient cultures
and traditions
such as Tibetans, Hopi, Hebrew and Hindu.  The reason for this is that
the chakras (through meditation, Reiki, Chi, Qi Gong, yoga, Wicca, etc)
unlock the inner voice, allowing you to understand right
from wrong from the spirit within. We all have chakras, they are simply
the nerve bundles and glands along our spine and in the palms and soles
of our feet.  Opening these chakras to the Spirit can be taught to
anyone.  One easy beginning lesson for this is called the Tai Chi energy
ball. Simply take a deep breath, relax, and gently bring your palms
together to within two inches from one another.  The polarity between
your palms is the energy of your chakras.  (please don’t open your
chakras too quickly as it can cause mental and/or physical illness.. it
takes a long time for your neurons to soften for the movement of
energy.  Take 6-12 months with a meditation teacher to open up your
chakras).  Also, love for one another and self is integral to any healthy society.

One day, when all people have an
understanding of their chakras, we will no longer need law.  We will all
know what to do, and we will live in paradise. 

In short, you
know you are politically successful when we, the people of the world,
are celebrating and we are in balance with nature.

I have some political questions to sum up, I would love a response:

Do US corporations benefit from 2 billion people living in severe
poverty in the
world?  If so, why?  Who is fighting against this, and how can we help
change this?  What is the CIA, DIA and NSA doing that is undermining the
freedoms of political groups of the developing world and why?  How can
we change that?  Why is America addicted to war?  What is the
psychological Nazi-like
American fever for war, and how can that be changed to peace?  Why are
Christians so pro-death; ie pro war, pro death
penalty, meat eating, anti gun control, anti environmental, etc. ?  Why
do white people in
America often denigrate people of different cultures and colors around
the world, to the
point that they don’t care about wage slavery conditions in China and
other developing world places that we benefit from in the market?  How
can this change?  Why isn’t this talked about in the news, or why aren’t
books written about wage slavery?  Why don’t we care about the
environment in the Global South, which we affect by global warming?  Why
are corporations so locked in to avoid using renewable resources,
and how can we look at profitable markets for solar, wind, geothermal
and high speed rail?  Why are we so clearly racist that we don’t care
about 4.5 billion people, in so many ways?

May all love and peace be with you.  

Seth Leonard

Here is some reference material to back up my claims:

All of the Hopi information can be found in Hotevilla: Hopi Shrine of the Covenant : Microcosm of the World
by Thomas E. Mails and Dan Evehema, and by Googling Hopi Prophesy Rock
to match page 35, the Hopi prophesy rock.  See also  Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins  US war on the developing
world has been documented in the papers for over a hundred years.  It is
interesting to note that the Hopi prophesied WWI and II before they
occurred, and reported this to the then President.  For this, they were
imprisoned.  There is a book called Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II–Updated Through 2003
by William Blum that describes constant war by the US since WWII toward the developing world. 

Wage slavery in the Global South is very, very hard to prove, but it is likely prevalent.  There is a good book on it called
Made in China: Women Factory Workers in a Global Workplace
by Ngai Pun.  See also The Story of Stuff: The Impact of Overconsumption on the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-And How We Can Make It Better
by Annie Leonard  See United Students Against Sweatshops:  https://usas.org/ 

For environmental racism, see Global Witness website:  https://www.globalwitness.org/  For relocation of native people, see Survival Interational:  https://www.survivalinternational.org/  IMF and World Bank cause poverty:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrynBzUpyag  US support of dictatorships (and many, many other oppressive issues):  https://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/

Here is some info on the PLA:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Liberation_Army 
Their army is 3 million strong.  The fact that the Chinese have been
hacking into our professional computers has been in the news for over 10
years.  https://cyberarms.wordpress.com/2011/04/19/chinese-hackers-spear-phishing-for-us-military-secrets/  and  https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread350381/pg1 There is a book that illustrates China’s obtaining our nuclear secrets,  Tiger Trap: America’s Secret Spy War with China
by David Wise. 

Peak Oil, Peak Water:



Debt to China and others:


Gobal Poverty:



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