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What in the World Ever Became of Sweet Jane?

hi old hippy,
I’ve been smoking pot for roughly 5 yrs..I’ve always done extremely well in
school and am graduating at the top of my class this summer. however i feel
extremely stupid and i constantly question my artwork, my thoughts and
anything else about myself now whenever i smoke. i suddenly feel pressure from
the people im around, even my closest friends! pot used to be something i
enjoyed, something that made me feel fun and uninhibited and i could laugh or
say anything i wanted without giving any thought to it. i just would like to
know if there’s a way to rediscover my free feeling self…i feel as though i
pressure myself and worry to much….maybe a mental exercise?? please any
help would be wonderful
thank you

What in the world ever became of sweet Jane? She lost her sparkle, you know she isn’t the same… – The Grateful Dead.

What you’re finding out is that marijuana isn’t always a help in every situation. Loss of confidence, motivation and enjoyment often comes with excessive use. When you have work to do, or you’re under pressure (real or imagined), or you must deal with straight people or really don’t have the time or space to just totally relax into the high, it can easily turn into a downer.

Pot can bring out a lot of things that are below the surface. Doubts, insecurities, paranoia, etc. can be exacerbated while high. In the last five years, you’ve probably taken on more responsibility, while people now expect more from you as an adult. Pot can hinder your personal growth by keeping you from dealing with the real issues in your life. People change. It’s a sign of growth. What you must do now is find a new relationship with cannabis, or even consider stopping for awhile or indefinitely or just use it on special occasions.

Many of us old hippies cut back drastically or stopped completely for awhile. I pretty much did for 10 years. But then I came back again because I needed to become LESS STRESSED, and decided to change my lifestyle to one that wouldn’t kill me in a few more years. And guess what? It worked!

In any case you should find out what works for you. When it can be used therapuetically or recreationally when it won’t interfere with your other responsibilities. Pot won’t ever solve your personal problems, and can actually make them worse if abused. So use with care.

Peace and Pot,
The Old Hippy

Posted by: skip
Views: 23558