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Neil Young Video: “Resist the Powers that Be”

Neil Young has released a new video, titled “Children of Destiny” that urges Americans to unite and “resist the powers that be.”  This new song is Neil’s response to the current political vibe in the US, and juxtaposes typical patriotic images of the American flag waving with scenes of war and protest.  Neil’s voice is unusually subdued for him, as he worries about the future of the country and the world.

Backing Neil on Children of Destiny are a 56 piece orchestra, and rockers Promise of the Real including Willie Nelson’s son, Lukas.

The video is visually and lyrically moving with lines like;

“when money matters most/and war is good for gain”

“The children hide/somewhere inside/while the bombs fall in the rain.”

Neil has been a political activist ever since his days with Buffalo Springfield and the song “For What it’s Worth”, to “Ohio” with Crosby Stills and Nash, to his “Living With War” album released in 2006. Neil’s last album “Peace Trail” released in December is another political statement.