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Hippyland Glossary C to E

Here are all those groovy terms
that hippies use and what they mean. If you have something to add to this
please let us know.
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All artwork and content copyright
1996-2000, Hip Inc.

An expanded version of this
glossary appears in Hippies From A to Z by Skip Stone.

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Came Down: When the drug wears off you come

Cannabis: Formal latin name fore marijuana. Two main subspecies
are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica. Indica has wide leaves and
is short, while Sativa has narrow leaves and grows taller. Hybrids
from both subspecies, blending the best traits, are often grown for commercial

The inspiration for Dean Moriarty in Jack Kerouac’s On The
Road and The Dharma Bums, Neal linked the beat generation with the hippies
by joining Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters on their Bus trip across
the U.S. (as the driver!) in 1964. He was part of the famous Acid
Tests. Neal sought the freedom of the open road and could rap endlessly
in stream of consciousness style about everything.

An Anthropologist at UCLA, Carlos wrote a series of books about
the shamanic tradition of the indigenous people of Mexico. His apparently
first hand accounts of life as a sorcerer’s apprentice ignited decades
of controversy as to their reality. His portrayal of himself as a
bumbling student of Don Juan, the powerful brujo, are now literary classics.
The journeys he took on the path of the warrior through the world of spirits
inspired many to seek out what lies beyond our perceptions. His books
include: A Separate Reality, Tales of Power and The Eagle’s Gift.

Cat: A male person who’s hip. Beatnik
term adopted by hippies.

Centering: Figuratively, to find one’s balance. To center
one’s awareness.

Chakras: Yogic concept. The seven chakras are physical and vibrational
energy centers associated with the human body. The first begins at
its base of the spine moving to the seventh at the top of the head.
It is believed that by raising one’s awareness through the practice of
Yoga one can transmute the lower energies of the first three chakras into
the higher, finer vibrations of the remaining four chakras.

Charas: Hashish made by extended pressing of marijuana resin
by hand, resulting in a black, cylindrical potent piece.

Chavez, Caesar:
Charismatic leader and founder of the United Farmworkers Union. Championed
the underpaid, underrepresented migrant farm worker. Organized the five
year grape boycott. Chavez helped to inspire Chicano activism of
the 1960s and 1970s, combining the lessons of the civil rights movement
and nonviolent protest with Mexican-American traditions and values.

Chicago 1968: Refers to the protests at the Chicago Democratic
Convention where thousands of protesters, reporters and bystanders were
caught up in a battle with the police. Mayor Daly took credit for
the bloodshed while millions watched on T.V.

Chicago Seven: The group of organizers of the protests at the
Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968. The Chicago Seven included
Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Black Panther leader Bobby Seale and Tom Hayden.
They were charged with conspiracy and defended by William Kunstler.

Chick: A girl.

Choice: Like the FDHA stamp, refers to something of quality.
I got some choice buds for the party

City: Following certain words indicating a profoundness or a
lot of the previous word. John Coltrane and Miles Davis were at
the concert, man it was Jazz City!

Civil Rights Movement: Started in the 50’s the civil rights movement
gathered steam in the early 60’s with marches, passive resistance and speeches.
Foremost among the leaders were Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, Jesse
Jackson, and Malcolm X. These protests and the non-violent means used were
inspiration for the student anti-war protests that were to follow a few
years later.

Clean: After prolonged drug use, a period of abstinence which
allows the body to remove all traces of drugs. A drug free state.
I’ve been clean for six months now.

Sang the theme song of The Wonder Years – a cover of the Beatles
tune With a little help from my friends off the famous Sgt. Pepper’s
Lonely Hearts Club Band record. He sang a super version of that song
at Woodstock.

Commune: Word comes from Communist ideology. Used to describe
a group of people living together, and the place they live. Communes
practice self-sufficiency, often farming the land.

Conscientious Objector: A draftee could apply for 1-O status
if they could prove that serving in the military went against their religious
or moral beliefs. With 1-O status your were excused from military
duty, but still required to do civilian service. During the Vietnam
War, this status was rarely granted.

Contact High: An altered state of consciousness that people get
just being around other people who are doing psychedelic drugs.

Cool: Groovy, OK, farout. That’s a real cool tie-dye!

Cool it: Or Be Cool. Mellow Out. Calm down or stop what
you’re doing. Hey can you cool it with the music, I’m trying to
mellow out.

Co-op: Cooperative business, usually a health food store run
by hippies. Members are part owners and many actively participate in the
business. Based on Marxist principles.

Cop out: Escape from responsibility. Don’t cop out
when your bro is in need.

Cosmic: An idea or person really out there on the edge of comprehension.

Counterculture: The encompassing word for the hippie movement.
Not just a sub-culture, but an entire spectrum of individuals rejecting
the values of the dominant society. This term was far more acceptable
to everyone than the word hippies.

Coyote, Peter: Actor, author, member of the San Francisco Mime
Troupe, one of the original Diggers. His new book Sleeping
Where I Fall
, tells of his days in S.F.

Crash: To stay in someone else’s place. To come down off
Acid or another intense drug.

Crash Pad: A place where hippies could hang out, do drugs, sleep,
have sex, etc. without having to pay rent. They would come and go,
with different people staying there every night.

First magazine to cover the Rock Music scene. Published by Paul
, author of Das Energi. Crawdaddy
is publishing again!

Credibility Gap: This phrase was used to describe the public’s
growing unease with the U.S. government public statements about the war
in Vietnam (we’re winning, it’ll be over soon, etc.) and the increasingly
obvious truth (more troops going over, more body bags coming back).

Cronkite, Walter: Uncle Walt was considered the most believable
broadcaster in U.S. history. In 1968, he broke the code of neutrality among
major newscasters, by opposing the Vietnam War in a national television
broadcast. His integrity is unquestioned.

Stills, Nash:
They burst on the music scene at Woodstock in 1969,
with their fabulous harmonies. Many of their tunes became anthems
during the anti-war movement. These included Ohio (about the Kent
State massacre), and Chicago (about the riots at the Democratic Convention
in ’68). They also teamed with Neil Young on several great recordings
including Deja Vu and Four Way Street.

Famous cartoonist of the 60’s and 70’s, Crumb introduced the
world to his somewhat depraved, yet humorous visions via Zap Comics, Mr.
Natural, and Fritz the Cat. His inspired and unique style captured
the essence of the times. Always the social critic, Crumb used his
art to convey the anti-establishment sentiment that swept the country.

Cuban Missile Crisis: – When U.S. satellite photos showed Soviet
missile bases in Cuba, President Kennedy ordered a naval blockade of Cuba.
The tense standoff nearly caused a nuclear war in 1962.

Da Kine: Term for top quality Hawaiian pakalolo.

Dashiki: A very colorful long sleeved African shirt. They
pullover your head and have a v-cut below the neck. The dashiki is
never tucked into your pants but worn as loose as possible. They
are cool in summer. Hippies wore these because they have beautiful
and colorful designs with African patterns. They are still very popular
with African musicians.

also known as Dr. Richard Alpert. Author of Be Here Now, Grist
for the Mill. Worked with Timothy Leary at Harvard on LSD studies. Alpert
was so changed by the ingestion of LSD, he left his post and wandered through
India. Finding enlightenment he returned to write several books and do
the lecture circuit.

Radical black teacher at UCLA. She was dismissed
from UCLA in 1969 due to her radical politics. She was a Black Panther
and made the FBI’s most wanted list in 1970 on false charges. She
became an icon as an intelligent, outspoken radical young black woman.

Day-Glo: Colorful paint that glows in
the dark. Popular with psychedelic art on objects and faces, especially
during the Electric Kool Aid Acid Tests.

Designer Drugs: Any of a vast number of
custom made drugs that are designed to be chemically different from illegal
drugs, but similar in effect to those drugs.

Dharma: Indian word for one’s life purpose
and work. The principle or law that orders the universe.

Jack Kerouac’s book about the beat philosophy’s roots in Zen
Buddhism. He chronicles his adventures in California and a trip across
the country, ending in a reflective stint up on a mountain as a fire lookout.
This rucksack wanderer sure met some interesting people on his journeys
including poet Allen Ginsberg and Buddhist Gary Snyder. This book
and On The Road inspired many a hippy to take to the road in search of

Dig: To understand. Dig it? To
like something. I really dig the Monkees.

Diggers: Group that gave away food and
clothes in Haight-Asbury. They followed the anti-materialist teachings
of the English Diggers who fought against private ownership of land and

Dime Bag: $10 worth of dope.

Discotheques: Places to go hear rock music and see light shows
and dance. Converted to Discos in the mid 70’s.

Dimethyltryptamine. A very powerful hallucinogen that is smoked in
a pipe. It gives short intense trips of a very specific nature. Check
out https://www.lycaeum.org/drugs/other/gandz/gandz.dmt.htmlfor
more info.

Do your own thing!: Be yourself! Do what you want to do.
I got a few acres out in the country where I can do my own thing

With his song Mellow Yellow, Donovan made the music scene in the 60’s.
His sensitive voice, spacey lyrics, and unusual arrangements evoke a very
hippie feeling. Other hits include Sunshine Superman, The Hurdy Gurdy

Don’t trust anyone over 30! – Popular saying on buttons in the
60s highlighting the generation gap.

Dope: Drugs.

This band from L.A. with the great Jim Morrison as lead poet,
anarchist and debaucher gave the hippie movement a passionate, if somewhat
psychotic visionary. Their music, with its strong beat and Fender
Rhodes chords define a certain style that meshed well with the psychedelic
flower power generation.

Dose: From the word dosage, a single hit of a drug, especially
LSD. If you do too much you overdose.

Dovetail: A European styled and rolled joint, looks like a bird.

Downer: Someone or something that brings you down, makes
you sad. Derogatory. It’s a downer having Nixon as president!

Downers: Any drug used as a depressant-includes Seconal, Phenylbarbitol,
and others.

Draft: The mandantory call to military service for young men.
All 18 year old males are required to register with the Selective Service,
which maintains records of your availability to serve in the military.
It takes an act of Congress to reinstate the draft.

Draft Card: Issued by the draft board, it was usually your ticket
to Vietnam. Many antiwar protesters and draft dodgers burned their draft
cards in public antiwar protests. This activity sent many of them to jail.

Draft Dodger: Anyone who avoided the Vietnam era compulsory draft
either by getting the draft board to declare him undesirable or by fleeing
to another country, usually Canada. To be declared undesirable or 4-F,
you would have to fail the physical or mental qualifications. Draft dodgers
used techniques that ranged from conscientious objector (which rarely worked),
to acting gay or pretending to be a junkie.

Draft Lottery: The current system whereby your birthdate determines
your draft eligibilty. A number is drawn for every day of the year.
If your birthday gets #15, then people born on your birthday will all be15th
in line to be called.

Drag: Bummer, something definitely unenjoyable. It’s
a drag that we’re outta dope!

Drop Acid: To take a dose of LSD.

Drum Circle: A fun event where hippies get together to play drums
or other percussion instruments and dance. These are reminiscent
of pagan celebrations of special occasions like rites of passage or harvest.
The rhythm of the beat tunes the participant into something larger than
himself. The effect leads to a sense of community and transcendence.
In other words it gets you high! Drum circles can be part of a larger event.

Dude: A cat.

Originally from Minnesota, Dylan exploded on the music scene in
Greenwich Village in the early 60’s. His blend of rock and folk ballads
took everyone by storm, and in turn inspired just about every rock musician
who was to follow in his footsteps. His early songs Blowin’ in the
Wind and The Times They are A-Changin’ took the protest song and gave
it an edge. Dylan’s style of has influenced


Easy Rider: 1969 film starring Peter Fonda,
Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper contrasting the hippie lifestyle with
the more conservative American values. Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf
added to the flavor.

Ego Trip: The whole world revolves around people who are on
an ego trip.

Eldridge Cleaver: Author of Soul on Ice, written
during his nine years in prison. After his release he joined the
Black Panthers and became their Minister of Information. Involvement
in a gun battle forced him into a seven year exile.

Electric Kool-Aid: Another term for LSD, coined when the Pranksters
combined Kool-Aid and Acid during the Acid Tests of the 1960s. Used
in the title of Tom Wolfe’s book about Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters,
The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test

Electric Kool Aid Acid Test:
Tom Wolfe’s book about Ken Kesey and the
Merry Pranksters. One of the great books about how LSD invaded America’s
consciousness, peaking during the Summer of Love. A tribute to Kesey, the
Pranksters (including Neal Cassady, Ken Babbs, Mountain Girl and Wavy Gravy),
and the whole psychedelic generation. Good insight into how the torch was
passed from the Beats to the hippies. It also contrasts Kesey’s up front,
experiential movement versus Timothy Leary’s experimental, insightful approach
to the LSD trip.

Enlightenment: Attainment of a higher awareness of the reality
beyond the illusion (Maya).

E.R.A.: The Equal Rights Amendment. Bans discrimination
based upon sex. Still not law. Written in 1921 by suffragist Alice Paul
it passed Congress in 1972, was ratified by 35 states, 3 short of the number
needed to make it law.

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Posted by: skip
Views: 26514