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Hippyland Glossary F to H

Here are all those groovy terms
that hippies use and what they mean. If you have something to add to this
list, please let us know.
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Hippy Quotes



All artwork and content copyright
1996-2000, Hip Inc.

An expanded version of this
glossary appears in Hippies From A to Z by Skip Stone.

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Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers – Gilbert Sheldon’s
popular comic about the adventures of three stoned out hippies.

Fad: A popular craze, a temporary fashion.

Far Out!: Something wonderful. An expression
of glee or approval. Also a way of saying thanks.

Feds and Heads: A classic dope dealing

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence: Poet, publisher
and owner of the City Lights Bookstore in North Beach, San Francisco.
Part of the beat scene in San Francisco, Ferlinghetti published Allen Ginsberg’s
controversial poem Howl in 1957, which landed him in jail, but lead to
a landmark decision upholding free speech.

Fillmore posters – The Fillmore East and West were concert venues
in the 60’s that had introuduced some of the biggest rock acts to American
audiences including The Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane,
etc. The posters for those concerts are now collectors items and
some are very valuable since the art work was very psychedelic.

Finger Hash: Potent Black Nepalese hashish formed into finger
shapes or charas.

Flaky: Someone unreliable, untrustworthy.

Flashback: A spontaneous psychedelic experience that reminds
one of a previous trip, but without any drugs. Every time I climb
that mountain I get flashbacks from my acid trip there back in 1969.

Flip Out: To lose it. To go crazy. Mike flipped
out after his chick Sunshine left.

Floating: High on drugs.

Fly: To be high. Two tokes of that stuff and you’re flying!

Flower Children: The hippies were called Flower Children because
they wore flowers in their hair, on their clothes and painted flowers on

Flower Power: Term coined in 1965 by Allen ginsberg at an anti-war
rally in Berkeley. It was Ginsberg’s way of encouraging a non-violent
response to violence protesters encountered. Since hippies were fond
of wearing and sharing flowers, Flower Power was the hippie equivalent
of the Black Power movement. An extension of the Peace and Love theme,
Flower Power assumed that the power of Love would win out over violence
and hate.

Flowers: Cannabis buds.

Actress daughter of Henry Fonda, Jane made a name for herself
as a political activist when she married Tom Hayden, one of the Chicago
Seven. Jane was also outspoken and made a controversial trip to Hanoi,
North Vietnam during the war. Jane starred in Barbarella, a campy sci-fi.

Four-Twenty, 4:20: Supposedly referred to the California penal
code for marijuana use, but others say it was the time a certain group
of students used to get together after classes to get high. Adopted
by heads everywhere as the time to light up! It’s currently very
popular for the name of websites, and it appears regularly in marijuana

Freak: To Freak or to Freak OUT. Freak could be used as
a term for being ‘into’ something, as in interested in something..like..’Freaking
over cars’. To Freak- usually meant to get upset or be afraid of something…
Freak OUT- meant to go wild over something–or have a really wild experience..as
in they all freaked out when he showed up in body paint alone.

Freak Flag: Long Hair

Freaks: Calling someone a ‘freak’—Freaks were people
who were cool because it was who they were. Hippies often were hippies
because it was the ‘in thing to do’. Freaks did things not because they
were hip, but because it was who they were as a person.

Freedom Fighter: Current Hippie term (late 80’s-90’s) for a person
involved in the political movement to legalize grass.

Free Love: The idealistic concept embraced by the hippies that
Love needn’t be bound by convention. People are free to love whomever
they please, whenever they please, wherever they please, without attachment
or commitment. This was practiced by many hippies and helped spawn
the Women’s and Gay Liberation Movements.

Free Speech Movement: Arose
in 1964, on the Berkeley campus of the University of California as a result
of the administration prohibiting student political activities on campus.
Students held rallies on the steps of the Administration building (Sproul
Hall) and sit-ins inside demanding freedom of speech. Many students
were beaten, arrested, and some are suspended including Mario Savio, the
founder of the movement and one of the more outspoken student protesters.
Eventually the Berkeley faculty members came up with a proposal to restore
free speech and the University Chancellor was replaced.

Fritz the Cat: Cartoonist R. Crumb’s fabled feline became famous
for appearing in two feature films.

Fry: To be too high, usually on psychedelic drugs. I did
300 mikes, I’m frying!

Fried: Burned out from doing too much dope

Funky: This word was given a new meaning
by the hippies. It described clothing that wasn’t supposed to go together,
but somehow managed to look good. The meaning of the word became more vague,
but still meant something with an unusual campy style, like clothes, music,
or attitude. Get Funky!

Fuzz: Another name for the police, pigs, fuzz, cops, and
‘the man’ were the common terms.

Gandhi, Mahatma: Once a lawyer in South Africa,
Gandhi came to India and fought British oppression through the pioneering
use of non-violent protest. His methods were adopted in the 60s by
the civil rights and antiwar movements. The confrontative, yet unaggressive
techniques are now the standard for peaceful protest.

Gaskin, Stephen: Stephen gained famed for his Monday night classes
at San Francisco State where he talked about hippy values. When he
took to the road his students followed and soon there was a caravan of
wandering gypsies, 400 people in 60 vehicles. He eventually settled
down with them and started The Farm, a long-lived Tennessee commune which
pioneered organic and alternative methods of agriculture, education and
social interaction.

Gay Liberation Movement: An outgrowth of the Sexual Liberation
movement that started when NYC police raided a Greenwich Village gay bar
in 1968. In the resulting riot 2000 demonstrators battled 400 police
with many injuries.

Generation Gap: Term highlighting the differences in perspective
between hippies and their parents.

Get High: To turn on. To do a drug. To alter your
consciousness in a pleasant way. I got high just listening to Joni

Get into it!: Dig it! Go for it! Do it with
your whole being.

Get it together!: Also: Get your shit together. Shape up!

Get Laid: Have sex.

Get Real!: Stop dreaming! Get real man, nobody’s gonna
get high smokin’ banana peels!

Getting Off: When a drug takes effect and you start to get high.
Also means to enjoy something. I get off on Jerry’s licks.

Gig: A concert or a job. Something to do.

Gimme Shelter: Documentary movie about the ill fated Altamont
concert. Also a Rolling Stones song about the event.

Ginsberg, Allen: Controversial Beat poet from the 50’s who wrote
about following your instincts and free love. Howl 1956, is one
of Ginsberg’s most famous poems. Along with his friends Jack Kerouac
and William S. Burroughs, he helped define and document the activities
of the Beat Generation. Ginsberg was active in the anti-war movement
appearing at rallies and also the Human Be-In. Ginsberg is credited
with coining the term Flower Power.

Give Peace a Chance: Saying on banners
and John Lennon song sung by protesters.

Go Down: Something happening. What
went down at the protest yesterday? Also a blow job (oral sex).
She went down on me and I let loose!

Going through Changes: To have a transforming
experience. A negative experience. My parents are putting
me through changes

Go For It!: Do it!

Gone: Really out of it. Not
aware. Asleep.

Go Straight: To stop using drugs. To get
your act together.

Go with the Flow: Taoist philosophy of
living in the moment, without struggle, letting things happen as they may.

Graham, Bill: Rock impresario whose Fillmore
Auditorium in San Francisco, and Fillmore East in New York highlighted
the best rock acts of the sixties including the Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix,
the Jefferson Airplane and more.

Granny Glasses: Small wire framed glasses
with round or square colored lenses. Made popular by rock musicians including
John Lennon and Jerry Garcia.

Grass: Marijuana

The ultimate hippie band, from San Francisco. For thirty years
Jerry Garcia and his faithful band brought hallucinatory music to their
legions of fans. Some of those fans followed them on the road year
after year.

Great Society: LBJ’s far-reaching
economic and social plan begun in the boom years of the early 1960’s. It
achieved some worthwhile goals including Medicare and other workers benefits.
It got sidetracked by the financial burden of the Vietnam War.

Green: Someone active in the Ecology Movement.
A product that respects ecology, using biodegradable substances for example.

Greenwich Village: Also referred to as
The Village. Home to the Beats in the late 50s, early 60s when the coffeehouse
scene was hot. Artists, writers, poets, musicians all were attracted
to the
area. Later in the 60s, the hippies invaded and the scene
moved to the less expensive East Village where institutions like the Fillmore
East kept things lively.

Gregory, Dick: Black activist undertook
several hunger strikes.

Grimshaw, Gary: Very promient graphic
Artist well known for his posters and flyers of all rock bands that past
thru Michigan in the late 60’s-early 70’s and played such meccas as the
Grande Ballroom and/or Eastowne Theatre. His body of work reads like a
who’s who in the 60’s music/counter-culture scene.

Grok: A deep understanding of a concept.
From Robert Heinlein’s Strangers in a Strange Land.

Groove: A good habit or style. I’m
getting into the groove of doing gigs every week.

Groovy!: Very pleasing, wonderful.

Guitar Army: Book/Manifesto written by
John Sinclair outlining the Counter Revolution of the Woodstock Nation

Guru: A teacher, especially in India.

Guthrie, Arlo: Son of legendary folk singer
Woody Guthrie, Arlo made a name for himself with his record Alice’s Restaurant.
Arlo’s folk rock style combines protest and storytelling.

Haight-Ashbury: The famous intersection in San
Francisco near Golden Gate Park where the hippies came in the Summer of
Love, and never left! This area was the focus for much of the hippie
movement’s beginnings and inspiration.

Hit Broadway rock musical famous as much for its nudity as for its music.
Famous tunes include Aquarius, Hair, Good Morning Starshine.

An altered state of awareness where one perceives a completely different
objective reality. More than just visual distortions, the person
believes the hallucination to be real.

Hang Up: A personality quirk resulting from something bothersome
that makes your life miserable. She ignored me! She must be all
hung up about something.

Happening: An event where people get together just to be together,
usually involving music.

Happy Trails!: Have a nice TRIP!

Hare Krishnas: Religious group which grew during the 60s by recruiting
many hippies. Characterized by their chanting, colorful robes, shaven
heads and pigtails they could be seen parading through city streets around
the country. They worship the Hindu God, Krishna and abstain from
meat, hoping to achieve higher consciousness through devotion.

Hash Bash: The Nations First and longest running protest for
the legalization of Marijauna. (Takes place at the University of
Michigan every April 1st). Also a show/contest displaying various
types of hashish and marijuana in Amsterdam.

Hashish: Compressed potent form of marijuana,
produced in the Middle East, Himalayan region and Africa. Also known as
hash. Process removes resin containing THC from the marijuana plant usually
using screens, or hands.

Hassle: A bother, something that you’d
rather not deal with. Don’t hassle me about the rent, I’ll get it

Hayden, Tom: Political activist, one of
the Chicago Seven, ex-husband of Jane Fonda. Now a congressman from

Richie Havens’ unique style of rhythm guitar combined with
his passionate vocals make for an unforgettable experience. At Woodstock
he sang Handsome Johnny and Freedom to open the event.

Head: Some one who does certain drugs like pot head or acid

Headbands: Headbands obviously keep your long hair out
of your face. They also mop up the sweat on warm days. And
since men don’t usually wear berets or other feminine hair restraints,
the headband does the job.

Head Shops: (Boutiques) Stores that catered to hippies or the
young. Clothes, comics, beads, candles, jewelry and drug paraphernalia
were obtainable at these shops.. they also made good hang outs.

Head Trip: To play games with someone’s
mind. A person or situation that messes with your mind.

Heavy Metal: Hard, loud rock music, characterized
by a heavy beat and thunderous guitars. Term originated with Steppenwolf
(heavy metal thunder) in the song Born to Be Wild.

The greatest guitar player ever. Jimi could coax sounds
from his axe that no one had ever heard before. His guitar mastery impressed
every great musician since. His on stage persona and charisma is
unmatched. Jimi gave legendary performances at Monterey Pop, Woodstock,
the Fillmore. He died at the peak of his career. Jimi was a great
soul who soared so high he was able to take us along for the ride of our

Hell No We Won’t Go!: Popular chant at demonstrations against
the war in Vietnam.

High: Stoned. An altered state. Pleasantly turned

Hip: Aware of what’s going on. Knowledgeable. I’m hip
to what’s happening. Something cool or groovy. Those are
the hippest love beads I’ve ever seen!

Hip Huggers: Jeans that rested low on the hips, exposing the
navel, especially on a girl wearing a halter top.

Hippie: A person who’s hip. Hippies did not refer to themselves
as such. The term became derogatory but is again fashionable.
The whole anti-materialist, anti-war, pro peace, pro mind expansion counterculture
has been termed the Hippie Movement. San Francisco writer
Michael Fallon applied the term hippie to the SF counterculture in an
article about the Blue Unicorn coffeehouse where LEMAR (Legalize Marijuana)
& the Sexual Freedom League meet, & hippie houses.

Hit: A dose of a drug, like a hit of acid or a hit from the

Hit and Run: To be at a demonstration or protest and be chased
by police while stopping to take a toke, then running off to avoid arrest.

Hoffman, Abbie: Co-founder of the Yippies. Author of Steal This
Book. One of the Chicago 7. Outspoken advocate of anarchy.

Hoffman, Albert: Sandoz scientist who
inadvertently discovered the mind transporting properties of LSD.

Hog Farm: This activist, mobile commune
once was located on a mountain top near L.A.in the 60s. Later, the Hog
Farm went on the road living in a fleet of converted school buses and traveled
the country protesting the Vietnam War.
At Woodstock ’69, the Hog
Farm helped feed the assembled multitude, and assisted those having bad
trips. After Woodstock, the Hog Farm personnel traveled
through Europe to Nepal, and distributed medical supplies to Pakistani
flood victims. The Hog Farm’s most famous personage, Wavy Gravy, a Merry
Prankster, was a founding member.

Holding: In possession of something, usually
dope. I’m holding a special lid for you.

Ginsberg’s controversial book of poetry that was declared obscene and banned.
Ginsberg won the court case, a landmark for free speech. Ginsberg
pioneered a new style of writing and artfully expressed his innermost rage
at society’s shortcomings. Ginsberg’s dramtic reading of this work at coffeehouses
in the 50s and 60s enthralled those angelheaded hipsters and established
his reputation in literary circles.

Author of the famous science fiction novel, Brave New World,
and the ground breaking Doors of Perception, Huxley explored the inner
realms of the mind. His thirst for the insightful psychedelic experience
led him to LSD, which he ingested as he lay on his deathbed.

Hype: To promote something excessively.

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Posted by: skip
Views: 26528