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Search Results for: people's park

Police Raid People’s Park in Berkeley Again

...  of student protests in the 1960s, yet again People’s Park in Berkeley has been raided by the police. The center of a vibrant ...  taken over by people protesting the plans to develop the park more than 50 years ago. Confrontation at People’s Park, ...

Hip Glossary – People’s Park

...  Park: In 1969, hippies setup camp on some vacant land near UC Berkeley and called it the People’s Park. On Memorial 20,000 appeared with flowers at the park. By July the authorities forcibly removed all the squatters and the park ...

Who Owns People’s Park? (1969)

...  following is the original position paper of the Park’s People by F. Bardacke. Someday a petty official will appear with ...  University of California owns the land of People’s Park. Where did that piece of paper come from? What is it worth? A long time ...

People’s Park Leaflets (1969)

...  residents at work fixing up People’s Park TO OUR BROTHERS These National Guardsmen are not pigs. They’re ...  used against the American people? 2. Talk to us about the Park. Let us explain what we are fighting for. 3. If you can, join us. We ...

People’s Park: Just the Beginning by John Simon (1969)

...  others, I got involved in the battle of People’s Park when somebody handed me a shovel and said, over there, we’re ...  rock band was playing and several hundred square yards of park had been laid down under old trees. In the next three weeks I came back ...

A Government Spy in the SDS (1969)

...  left. One of them has been involved in People’s Park; another one has been arrested for selling guns; another’s a real ...  The demonstration got wild. There was a rally inside a park, with SDS and the Panthers and guerrilla theater and everything like that. ...

The Berkeley Liberation Program (1969)

...  was first made public at the time of the People’s Park struggle. It is one of the first efforts by movement activists to set out ...  etc.) while dealing with a range of problems (taxes, parks, police, rents, schools) faced by others in Berkeley whom the movement ...

Hippy Activism

...  soldiers in Vietnam at the time) who marched from Central Park to the United Nations. Speakers included Martin Luther King, Stokely ...  15, 1969, hippies camping out peacefully in People’s Park in Berkeley were attacked and forcibly removed by police and the National ...

Hippie Timeline

...  of oil onto English shores Mar 26 – Be-In at Central Park in NY. 10,000 attend Apr 5 – Grayline starts hippie tours of ...  Anti-Vietnam War protest. 400,000 march from Central Park to UN. Speeches by Martin Luther King, Stokely Carmichael and Dr. ...  21 – Summer Solstice Party in Golden Gate Park Jun 25 – Beatles sing All You Need Is Love on TV 1967 Jun 30 – ...