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Hitchhiking Tips

What are some tips if any for being on the road with just you and your backpack? thanks, Oskee In case you’re wondering what the Old Hippy did during the boring 80’s, I backpacked and hitchhiked my way around the world. I got to visit some of the more interesting places on the hippy trail. […] Continue reading

Why use drugs?

Old Hippy, I like the hippy ways, and even tho I am not a real hippy, I think that you promote a lot of good things. Most hippies are concerned with caring for Mother Earth, keeping the world a peaceful place, preserving forest lands, picking up litter, buying organic foods, and protecting the animals. All […] Continue reading

Burned Out on Pot

Dear old hippy, I have smoked weed for about three years. At first it was great but for the past year or so it hasn’t been very pleasant. Everything gets distorted and I’m so nervous I can hardly talk and I get weird beats in my heart area that almost make me twitch. I would […] Continue reading

Why Be A Vegetarian?

Why be a Vegetarian? The Vegetarian Page Why be a vegetarian? What do vegetarians eat? What is the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan? Find the answers to these and many more questions plus links to other vegetarian pages and some great recipes. Need more reasons? Check this out! All artwork and content copyright […] Continue reading

Vegetarian Links

Vegetarian Links Let’s save our animal friends and our planet from the multinational meat industry. Keep ourselves free from toxic chemicals. Feed the hungry. Stop eating meat NOW! Please visit our Vegetarian Page for Reasons to be a Vegetarian! To buy Vegetarian and Cookbooks visit Hipplanet’s Bookstore! Activities for Vegetarians Bicycle Beano Vegetarian Bike Trips […] Continue reading