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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Music With A Message

Music With A Message: The 40 Most Influential Songs of the 1960’s – early 70’s Hippies use music to express themselves emotionally, spiritually, and politically. Music can make a statement, give voice to a movement, even unite us. As hippies explore their inner world, music guides them along in their quest for meaning. Without drugs […] Continue reading

Learn about Hippies

Hippies From A to Z – Skip Stone’s new book about the Hippie Movement! The Way of the Hippie – Find out what makes a person a hippie. Hippie Havens – Find out where hippies live and hang out and why. Hippie Timeline – Important events of the 60’s and 70’s that influenced hippies and […] Continue reading

Music Links

Music  Do you believe in magic? Believe in the magic of a young girl’s soul? Believe in the magic of rock ‘n roll? Believe in the magic that can set you free? The Lovin’ Spoonful (Do You Believe in Magic?)   Listen to the greatest hits of the 60s on our RADIO STATION while you […] Continue reading

Too Shy

Hey, Turtle Dude! (That’s my title showing respect–You rock, man!) I have a question similar to one someone else asked. This guy, who I really like…Well, I want to go out with him. But I’m really embarassed. I guess it’s because I don’t know how he’d react to it…I don’t know for sure if he […] Continue reading

Drug Links

  From Acid to Weed, here’s your gateway to high times on the internet. Find out about the latest information, laws, protests, even where to buy marijuana.   Hippyland’s Drug Pages Read Skip Stone’s Interview with Ed Rosenthal, the cannabis growing guru! Stop The War on Americans and Freedom! Drug War Charts – sort the […] Continue reading

Bill Ayers and the Children’s Community (1968)

Bill Ayers Bill Ayres is one of the founders of Children’s Community, an integrated school community in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He has since changed jobs and is now working full-time on various Ohio and Michigan campuses as an organizer for the Students for a Democratic Society. Bill Ayers at the Children’s Community School before going […] Continue reading

the pope is not the only bastard in this

The Catholics for sure have a long history in native abuse, but listen up , the protestants are well versed as this is a protestant culture, in native abuse. Both groups burned witches and water ducked women to death for centuries. And forced Natives off their land, tortured them, and forcefully made them into dominant […] Continue reading

I hate guns!

I am starting to become a hippy. This is because I feel the need in my soul for peace. Guns scare the hell out of me! While people of gun faith are defending their right to protect themselves with guns, I am fearing all of our rights to live here in America and be safe […] Continue reading